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Frequently asked questions

Find answers to common questions about our renovation services, processes, and how we can help you achieve your dream property.

Do you provide materials?

Materials will be discussed during a meeting going over the needs of the project. If you have materials already that you would like to include into the project, they can be included. Otherwise, materials is a matter we cover and does not need to be provided.

How do you estimate the cost of a project?

Someone on the team will come to the site to go over budgets, measurements, design and timelines. This will help us get the estimates to move forward.

What are your payment policies?

We take into consideration the needs of our clients allowing for multi-method payment options and payment timelines depending on the project.

How long will my project take?

During our assessment meeting following going over budgets, measurements, design and timelines, we will come with a progressive timeline that fits your needs.

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